

    Understanding the Risks of TB

    Explore our comprehensive guide on TB risks and prevention tailored for South Africans. Learn about the risks of TB risk, and ways to protect yourself and your community.

    Diagnosing TB: What South Africans Should Know

    What is TB?  Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease primarily affecting the lungs but can also target other parts of the body, like the abdomen. This bacterial infection is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, the bacteria can spread through the air and infect others. TB's prevalence is essential to note, and how we go about diagnosing TB equally so.  Is...

    Understanding Tuberculosis Treatment

    Tuberculosis (TB) has remained one of the leading infectious diseases globally, posing a significant public health challenge. Understanding the intricacies of TB treatment is...

    Recognising the Symptoms of Tuberculosis: An Essential Guide 

    Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant public health concern in South Africa. Understanding its signs and symptoms is crucial for early detection and effective treatment....

    The Prevalence of Tuberculosis in South Africa

    Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a persistent global health concern, and its prevalence in specific regions such as South Africa underscores the significance of concerted medical...